Elementary KID'S Church

What is KID'S Church?

KIDS Church is a place for Elementary children to worship in their own style and learn truths about God and His word that can transform their lives. Children’s Church is at 10 am each and every Sunday Morning!

    The book of Daniel is filled with amazing stories. If you grew up in church, no doubt you have memories of hearing “Daniel In The Lion’s Den” or “The Fiery Furnace” stories for the first time. I remember lying awake at night wondering how amazing it must have been to be with those lions all night and how hot it must have felt in that fiery furnace. 

In this series, we take some of the classic stories from the book of Daniel (along with a few you might have “skipped” over before) and teach some great lessons to apply to our lives. The children will follow the lives of Daniel and his friends as they are taken into captivity in Babylon. They are God’s people, but in a foreign land. It’s almost as if they were “spies.” 

They survive many kings, many dangers, and many tests as they fight to live their lives holy unto God. They soon find out that in order to survive, they will need a major dose of courage. Their courage comes from God, who sustains them all the way to the end.