
Church Bulletin


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Jason Burckhartt


The Ordinances:  The Importance of Leaders for the Church

 The church needs leaders who "Know Christ and make Him known.

2 Timothy 4:1-8. 

           1)  The Charge (calling from God to leaders)

           2)  The Challenges (some of the hurdles to the church and to leaders)

           3)  The Chore (the role the leader plays in helping the church be people who know Christ and make Him known to their community)

           4)  The Chief (how everything about leadership for the church focuses on Jesus)

Matthew 9:35-38

Ephesians 2:10/4:11-13

Hebrews 13:7,17

1 Peter 5:1-4

Sunday Service Times

Worship at 10 am

Life Groups at 8:45 am

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Facebook - Elm Street Christian Church


Original Creators: Ethan Bower & Kendra Jellison

It was a good run see y'all on the flip side! -Kendra

It was real, and it was fun,  but it wasn't real fun. jk :) - Ethan

Many thanks to our high school creators!!!